Estrogen and Bone Health

Estrogen and Bone Health

How Do You Prepare Your Body for Menopause? This is a big subject! …and something we should consider long before we think we should. When we hit menopause (and I’m sure many women have felt like ‘hitting’ menopause!!), estrogen levels drop and...
Pilates or Yoga?

Pilates or Yoga?

So what’s the difference between Pilates and Yoga? Even though there are some similarities (they are both mind-body-fitness modalities) they are different practices. …and what does ‘mind-body-fitness mean? It’s about being body aware while we move so...
Ask The Practitioner

Ask The Practitioner

When women find out what I do they often follow up with a question… Questions I’ve been asked this week… #Garlic – is it good for cold relief? #SugarCravings – how do I stop my sugar cravings? #Perimenopause – what can I do to...