Why You Shouldn’t Count Calories

Why You Shouldn’t Count Calories

Do you count calories? Do you know instinctively that your apple is about 60 calories? Or half that pizza is about 500 calories? Let me tell you a story (as an old celebrity once said…can’t remember who though!) My first qualification in the health...
Visualise your Weight Loss

Visualise your Weight Loss

It would be great if we had a magic wand to wave away that excess weight. But that’s not going to happen It took time to put the weight on…it didn’t happen overnight. …and bad habits need to be broken, that’s often the hard part....


What do you do when you’re faced with temptation?   Most of the time you know it’s ahead…for example;   you’re visiting your mother and she will have cake or biscuits ready to tempt you with you know Monday morning that people at work...