I love using natural and organic body care products and as I am about to put my order in for the face cream I always use (20% off today!!) I thought I would do a quick post to you about how some chemicals manufacturers put into shampoos, face and body creams etc effect our hormones.
I like to buy natural, organic and products using essential oils not just for the smell but for their therapeutic effects – avoiding products containing parabens and phthalates (if it says ‘fragrance’ in a product it’s probably got phthalates in it!)) and other such chemicals.
Why should we care about this? Well in small quantities they may not be harmful…
But you count up the amount of these unnatural chemicals we put on our skin in a day, over a week, throughout the month…year etc it really adds up.
Have a look at this article stating women put on over 100 chemicals into their body… WHAT!! I know, how can that be so???
Some of these act as xenoestrogens…which means they act like estrogens or they sit in the estrogen receptors of the cell…causing havoc with our hormones.
Not great if you suffer with PMS or endometriosis or peri-meno symptoms!
I know so many women now with thyroid health issues – a big problem with peri-menopausal women – this is the time when many of us are diaganosed with underactive thyroid and one of the factors affecting thyroid function are endocrine disrupters.
Go to EWG’s “Skin Deep Cosmetic Database” to check out your products. The best thing to do is change one thing at a time…or it will drive you nuts!!! (and cost you a fortune replacing everything at once!)
And if you want to have a look at the Neal’s Yard products here is the link. 20% ends Friday at 9am so get in quick.
Right, i’m off to order my Frankincense face cream
To have a look at the Neal’s Yard products here is the link.
20% ends Friday at 9am so get in quick.
Right, i’m off to order my Frankincense face cream
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