At this time of year there are a lot of bugs thriving in the cold weather…and testing our immune system.

This wonderful warming drink is a turmeric milk drink with added spices to boost your immune system even further.

Golden Latte

For a copy to print off or save to your recipe file click here Golden Latte Penvita

Turmeric is one of the ‘magic’ ingredients in this Latte recipe. If you’re lucky enough to find turmeric root for sale then go for them, alternatively use turmeric powder.

This is what the turmeric root looks like. Smaller than ginger root (which for some reason I had in my mind they would be the same size!) 

Word of warning…wear gloves when you grate the root as the colour is beautifully vibrant…but not such a good look on your fingers!! I was worried people would think I was a secret chain smoker with my yellow stained fingers!!!

Possible Turmeric Benefits:  antioxidant,; anti-inflammatory; whole powder is gastroprotective; anti-arthritic (OA and RA); enhances immunity: increase white blood cells; antiviral; antibacterial

Contraindicationsin pregnancy it may inhibit fertility (large doses); avoid if you suffer with peptic ulcers, gallstones or take  anticoagulant medications.

Lovely Warming Healthy wishes to you