It’s Easter – we’re in lockdown – everyone on social media seems to be talking about chocolate eggs and showing photographs!

I have no chocolate in the house, no spiced buns either or Simnel cake… and feeling like i’m missing out!

So this calls for…


(or more like brunch!)

AND they are healthy pancakes. Healthy because i’m using…

~ porridge oats instead of flour (grind them up into a flour-like consistency using blender)

~ cacao powder which is made from raw, unroasted cacao beans to get my chocolate hit!

~ banana for a bit of sweetness instead of sugar

~ liquid – this can be a milk (almond, rice milk) or just water.

~ an egg to bind them together.

  • Why use oats instead of white flour?

Oats are a natural grain. They are free from additives, high in fibre and also contain protein – very important for blood glucose balancing and those hormones.

  • Why cacao instead of drinking chocolate?

Drinking chocolate contains sugar. Cacao or cocoa powder are pure ground from the bean. High in antioxidants and according to research, the ‘antioxidant effects of cocoa may directly influence insulin resistance and, in turn, reduce risk for diabetes’ (PMID: 21470061)

  • Do they taste of banana?

Strangely enough no. I think the chocolate dampens the banana flavour – or it could be because the banana I used was not too ripe so I benefit from the fibre content. You can replace it with apple (blended up so smooth) or add honey or maple syrup instead.

  • If you’re allergic to eggs?

Instead of using an egg you can make egg substitute with either flax seeds or Chia seeds. #askmehow

Serve as you like…I drizzled some maple syrup over.

HAPPY EASTER if you celebrate. HAPPY HOLIDAY if not.

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